What is protein?
A component of every cell in the human body. Proteins are considered the building blocks of life. Our skin, bones, muscles, hair, nails, and cartilage are mainly made of proteins. Most enzymes and hormones in our bodies are also proteins. Protein is made up of hundreds or thousands of smaller units, called amino acids. Our bodies are able to synthesize eleven of them and the other nine must come from food. These nine amino acids are histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine and are called essential amino acids.

Proteins provide calories for the body. One gram of protein provides 4 calories. But protein has many functions in the body aside from just giving us energy. It helps provide structure to our tissues and cells, supports our immunity, helps support growth and development especially in childhood. In addition, protein is used in the body to create many of our hormones, which help our bodies maintain homeostasis by signalling that a particular action should either begin or cease. Enzymes, which help precipitate chemical reactions, are another type of protein in the body. Protein is of extreme importance so make sure you get enough of it.
Many people are concerned that they don’t get enough protein, but most can easily obtain adequate protein from their vegan diet if it’s done correctly. The recommendation for the daily protein intake is 0.8 grams of protein for every kilogram of body weight per day.
Protein intake on a vegan diet.
Nature gave us all these raw and fresh fruits and vegetables and loaded them with proteins. Yes, even fruits and veggies have proteins! For example, one medium banana has 1.3 g of protein, one cup of raw kale has 0.7 g of protein and 50g of raw broccoli provides 1.4g of protein. Leafy green vegetables are dense with easily assimilated amino acids as well as other life-extending nutrients. With a diverse daily vegan menu, you can definitely reach the amount of protein your body needs. If you are still not sure, try to use an app to track your nutrition.
Unsalted raw nuts and seeds are the greatest vegan source of protein. Just 50 g of raw walnuts will give you 7.6 g of protein! And many other essential nutrients! A nutritious plant-based diet can not only give you enough protein but this protein will be accompanied by a great number of vitamins and minerals. It is a win for your health and the health of the planet.

Legumes, which include beans, lentils, and dried peas are rich sources of protein. Beans contain a more complete set of amino acids than other plant foods. Incorporate at least one serving of legumes every single day. A cup of cooked lentils provides about 18 grams of protein and 15 grams of fiber, plus it has virtually no saturated fat or sodium. Science has already proven that our liver can store amino acids long term, meaning we do not have to combine them in one meal. Saying that for those who try to combine legumes with rice, for example, for better protein absorption.
Grains are a staple in all civilizations around the world. While refined grains like white flour and white rice have had their bran and germ removed and are therefore stripped of naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, and fiber, whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa, millet, buckwheat, and oats still contain these nutrient-rich components.
I tend to believe that animal protein causes many of the diseases humanity faces today. There are so many scientific proofs of that and they keep on coming. I advise you to conduct your own research and evaluate the pros and cons of having animal protein in your diet.
When it comes to cancer, for example, it seems that the source of protein matters more than the quantity. The World Health Organization (WHO)’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) concluded that consumption of processed meat is “carcinogenic to humans.” and that consumption of red meat is “probably carcinogenic to humans”. Consumption of processed meat was classified as carcinogenic and red meat as probably carcinogenic after the IARC Working Group – comprised of 22 scientists from ten countries – evaluated over 800 studies. Maybe it’s worth giving this a thought.

Plant protein comes with many other nutrients and there are great options to mix and match all nine essential amino acids. Here are some examples of plant protein foods you can enjoy:
Choose a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables and together with the above-mentioned foods, you will reach your daily protein goal.
Hungry for more? Check out here for scientific and detailed information about protein, its effects and myths around it.
And if you want to go a bit further, check out this video from Fully Raw Kristina, who will show you the fully raw protein sources to keep you healthy, vibrant and alive!